Our 43 sec. video could increase your profits

A Drachsi video

If you have only a minute to see if Drachsi can help your business, check out the video below. This video explains with a voice over how a business website really can have a direct effect on a companies performance, and how simple steps can increase company profits. We use and recommend WordPress Themes as these meet Google requirements for responsive design, meaning the web pages adjust to the users device, a smartphone, tablet or pc.

Now it is time to ask questions of the management team to see who is responsible for the company website, and to ask a few simple questions! like, how many visitors are visiting our website?, is our site “Responsive” Don’t let all the time and costs go to waste, contact Drachsi now.

This simple whiteboard video with a professional voice over is a quick, cheap and effective method used by many companies to spread the word. If you could use some ideas to market your company, try contacting our partners at Northampton Marketing